На рисунке:
reduction of loss emitted into environment
reduction of moisture in the pit
reduction of time of pit filling
preservation of bitumen quality
Meanwhile, the pit is usually located in the face end of the main storage area having from one to three walls contacting directly with the ground. It is through these walls that heat from the bitumen heated in the pit is emitted into the environment.
Newly created pit-type storage facilities will benefit from central location of the pit allowing to make use of the losses from its walls. Heat loss from the pit is used for initial heating of bitumen in the main storage area, heating elements of the main storage area are used at the initial stage of operation (in spring time) only.
To improve the process of thermal yield the pit is made of metal. Selection of capacity of heating elements is done on the basis of thermotechnical calculations.
Arrangement of charging chutes of the pit with gate valves at various heights allows to intake bitumen from the most heated layers – top layers.
The operating experience of bitumen storage facilities with central pits has proved that this technical solution ensures:
reduction of costs on preparation of bitumen up to 2-3 times;
increase in output during filling of the pit and discharging of bitumen;
reduction of the percentage content of moisture in the pit (in the event of close groundwater occurrence);
increase in efficiency of use of thermal energy due to surface intake.
Our specialists provide services on development of construction and reconstruction projects for bitumen storage facilities with central pits, perform energy costs and thermotechnical calculations for the heating systems of bitumen storage facilities with central pits, carry out designer supervision of construction and turn-key projects execution.
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Thank you for choosing the Energy-Efficient Bitumen Technologies.
The design of the bitumen storage facility with ta central pit is protected by the Patent of the Russian Federation No. 2167236. Publ-d 20.05.2001. Application No. 99123122.