Проектирование битумных терминалов, цехов, складов и баз под ключ

Design of bitumen terminals, shops, warehouses and bases on a turnkey basis

Design of any complexity


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The design of bitumen warehouses (bases, workshops) begins with the development of a detailed plan for the future construction, with a clear location of objects:

  • Receiving apparatuses;
  • Bitumen storage;
  • Smelting and pumping units;
  • Power supply networks;
  • Oil and fuel warehouses;
  • Boiler room;
  • Laboratories;
  • Administrative building;
  • Driveways and travel ways;
  • Other communications.

When placing equipment and structures, it is imperative to ensure:

  • Compliance with safety rules;
  • Construction of fire breaks;
  • Compliance with all the rules of the technological process.

Stages of base design for bitumen

  • Determination of a place for storing material (occupies a significant part of the entire object);
  • Providing storage with convenient ways for access and loading;
  • Determination of the location for the location of the bitumen-smelting plant, taking into account all the rules and requirements for secure placement;
  • Determination of the location of the boiler room, laboratory, power plant and a transformer substation.

Technological design bitumen storage facilities (bitumen terminals)

An important stage in the creation of an effective production is a comprehensive accounting of factors and the choice the best option. The quality of design solutions largely determines the operating costs, the degree of achievement of performance indicators, the number of failures and their weight. Practice energy audits of LLC "Energy Efficient Bitumen Technologies" shows that many problems of bitumen storage and heating workshops, bitumen transshipment bases (terminals), associated with errors in the design (development of the technological part) or even in the absence design stage.

The technological design of a bitumen terminal (bitumen warehouse) is a layout plan production workshops, their mutual coordination, taking into account the requirements of technology and standards, ensuring implementation of production tasks with minimal costs.

The technological design of the bitumen warehouse (bitumen terminal) includes an explanatory a note and a graphic part, the volume of which is determined by the complexity of the technological process, the presence of additional shops, for example, a bitumen emulsion preparation shop, a packing shop bitumen in medium-tonnage containers, polymer-bitumen binder preparation shops.

Composition of the explanatory note of the technological project:

  • Development of technology for acceptance (loading) and shipment of bitumen to the warehouse, taking into account the specified productivity and individual parameters of the technological process;
  • Information about the technology of storage and heating of bitumen. Calculation of thermal insulation according to the criterion normalized heat flux density, permissible losses, based on the final bitumen temperature during storage, etc.
  • Energy calculation of the warehouse heat demand for the implementation of the technological regime work. Calculation of heating elements and pumping equipment performance;
  • Plans for heating stations for coolant or other heat-generating equipment;
  • Hydraulic calculation;
  • Calculation of heat losses to the environment from the surface of an additional technological equipment and communication lines.

When designing additional shops, the explanatory note also includes information about developed technology for the preparation and storage of bitumen emulsion (PBB), etc., energy calculation of workshop equipment (including calculation of thermal insulation of tanks, parameters heating elements, heat generating equipment - thermal oil heaters, steam generators, electric heaters, etc.), recommendations for the placement of shop equipment, technical conditions for the purchase of equipment are being formed.

List of graphic material as part of the technological project:

  • Road construction
  • Hydraulic diagram of the bitumen economy;
  • Equipment layout plans for workshops;
  • Plans for heating stations for coolant or other heat-generating equipment;
  • Technological map of bitumen preparation;
  • Auto-loading plans, loading and unloading platforms;
  • Auto-loading plans, loading and unloading platforms;
  • Equipment layout plan. Interdepartmental communications with equipment specification and materials.

Within the framework of technological design, phased construction and commissioning can be envisaged. workshops to work. An integrated approach avoids the mistakes of incorrect power selection equipment, design of communication lines and other factors affecting operational, and sometimes capital costs.

Based on the results of energy and hydraulic calculations, development of placement plans the equipment of the bitumen storage and heating workshops, the requirements (technical conditions) for the purchase of heat generating equipment (oil heaters, steam generators, electric heaters), pumping stations, storage and heating tanks for bitumen, materials thermal insulation, etc.

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The preliminary cost of technological design

300 000

The design price is for informational purposes only.

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