Проект Армила - компания Битумные Технологии

OOO Armila


Main tasks

  • Development of the efficient technology for reception, storage and heating of bitumen

  • Manufacturing of the equipment for internal heating of bitumen in the vertical steel storage tank RVS 1000


Within the framework of the contract concluded with the OOO Armila the engineering design for technical upgrade of the light oil product depot to the 2,000 t bitumen terminal was developed. The bitumen terminal was designed without day tanks according to the Kupol energy-efficient internal heating technology. Also, the process flow diagram and the piping and instrumentation diagram were worked out, energy costs calculation and heat insulation calculation were done, heat-emitting equipment was selected, and piping of the terminal was designed. The terminal is designed for accumulation of bitumen in the off-season period and provision of binders to the OOO Armila asphalt plant. Bitumen will be loaded to the terminal and unloaded onto trucks from one bitumen loading and unloading station. In accordance with the contract the system of internal bitumen heating Kupol-40-1000 was manufactured and technical maintenance of the terminal construction process was done.


  • Engineering design of the bitumen terminal was developed

  • The Kupol-40-1000 system of internal bitumen heating was manufactured

Suitable equipment and services

Bitumen heating system "Kupol"


Design of bitumen terminals, shops, warehouses and bases on a turnkey basis


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