Проект ИП Захаров В.С. - компания Битумные Технологии

Individual entrepreneur Zakharov V.S.


Main tasks

  • Conduct a technical inspection of two bitumen storage and handling facilities

  • Conduct a visual assessment of the technical condition of the infrastructure

  • Offer technical solutions for production modernization


As part of the technical survey, an assessment was made of the technical condition of the infrastructure of two bitumen storage and transshipment facilities in the Tbilisi region (Georgia). The technological equipment of terminal No. 1 consists of one RVS2000, three RVS1000 and one RVS700 for long-term storage of bitumen, underground receiving tank (6 compartments) made of concrete for operations of receiving bitumen from railway tanks and heating it to temperatures for in-plant transportation, one underground receiving tank made of concrete for operations of receiving bitumen from bunker gondola cars and heating it to loading temperatures and five top loading stations (without overpass) in bitumen trucks, three natural gas boiler-steam generators, tank piping and truck scales. The technological equipment of terminal No. 2 consists of one pit three-section bitumen storage facility with a capacity of 4,500 tons, three top loading stations (with one-way overpasses) for bitumen trucks; two natural gas-fired steam generators; tank piping; and truck scales.


  • Technical inspection of bitumen warehouses completed

  • Options for infrastructure modernization and a comprehensive assessment of the activities are proposed

Suitable equipment and services

Energy audit of current production


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