Проект ООО СтройРесурс (г.Майский) - компания Битумные Технологии

Main tasks

  • Develop an efficient technology for receiving, storing and heating bitumen

  • Select equipment

  • Develop working drawings

  • Develop specification


The feed warehouse is designed for receiving, long-term and operational storage of bitumen, heating and loading into the technological process of preparing asphalt concrete mixtures and into bitumen trucks. The warehouse includes a technological section for long-term (interseasonal) storage, an intensive heating section, sections for draining and filling bitumen and a section for heating the heat carrier.


  • Working drawings of the technological project have been developed

  • Optimal operating modes have been selected

  • Technological equipment has been selected

  • Specifications drawn up

Suitable equipment and services

Design of bitumen terminals, shops, warehouses and bases on a turnkey basis


Design and manufacture of highly efficient heating elements


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