Main tasks
Development of the energy-efficient technology for reception, storage and heating of bitumen
Estimation of capital and operating costs of the bitumen storage facility
For the purpose of development of the project of individual technical solutions for the 30,000 t bitumen terminal suitable for reception and discharge of viscous road bitumen by highway and railway the works on adjustment of parameters of the main processing equipment: bitumen pump stations, heat carrier (hot oil) heating stations, steam generator of the unit of bitumen reception from railway vehicles, bitumen heating units in rail tank cars. Energy costs calculation of the initial state of bitumen at reception to the terminal and after long-term storage was done, which served basis for recommendations of the optimum bitumen storage and heating conditions, the required thermal insulation of tanks, oil and bitumen pipelines. Process flow diagrams (PFDs), a piping and instrumentation diagram and a principal process diagram were made up. The main nominal diameters of pipelines and the requirements to the structure and competence of the engineering staff were specified. Checklists for the main and auxiliary equipment were made up, commercial offers for delivery of the equipment and devices were collected according to the accepted technical solutions and the laboratory quality control diagram.
Draft of the main technical solutions for the bitumen terminal
Basic technological design of the 30,000 t bitumen terminal
Calculation of the capital and operating costs for the facility under design