Main tasks
Development of the energy-efficient technology for reception, storage and heating of bitumen
Maintenance of the bitumen storage facility construction
Energy costs calculation
Engineering design of the 8,000 ton bitumen terminal with the bitumen emulsion preparation shop was done, including: technology for reception, storage and unloading of viscous road bitumens, calculation of energy costs of the bitumen storage facility, selection of thermal insulation, specification of a list of the needed equipment taking into account the designed technology. A unique feature of the project was the use of the KUPOL local bitumen heating system in one of the vertical steel storage tanks RVS2000. This solution ensured reduction of the needed number of tanks RGS50 (by 4 tanks) and reduction of capital costs of construction by 5 mln Rubles.
Engineering design of the bitumen terminal was developed
Kupol-200-2000 system of bitumen internal heating was manufactured
Maintenance of construction of the bitumen terminal was carried out
Maintenance during operation was of the bitumen terminal was carried out (2 years)